Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the group for?

The group is for people with Dementia, accompanied by a carer, relative or friend.

What happens at the group?

Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided on entry. We sing all the old favourite songs, reminisce about the past, have a session of chair-based exercises to music, followed by fruit juice and a couple more songs.
Various events are also arranged throughout the year with visiting singers and parties on special occasions.

…But I can’t sing / don’t feel confident singing…

The group is friendly and there’s an easy-going atmosphere. Nobody is put on the spot, just relax and join in when you feel comfortable.

How much does it cost to attend?

£1.50 per person.

Where can I park? Is there free parking?

The car park behind the church is a local authority-run car park. Charges apply but it is free if you have a Blue Disabled Parking Badge.